Axica Berlin offered „Meet your digital twin“


An Axica customer event on March 10, 2021 guided the participants and the Axica team into a new dimension of events. Webinar, video conference, zoom meeting … of course, everyone is familiar with that and many of us practice it every day. But how does networking feel in a 3D virtual reality? Axica tried it out with the customer event “Meet your digital twin” – and with over 60 guests from the event industry. In the virtual 3D Axica twin, provided by the ExVo platform from Allseated, guests and team met as avatars, moved through the rooms and talked in twos or in smaller and larger groups.

The participants had the opportunity to visit the exhibition stands on the topics of sustainability and vision & mission of Axica in the Forum, got to know the „Plug & Play“ studio in the Plenum and learned in the Sky Lobby what efforts the Axica team is making in terms of hygiene and quick tests and event security. Most exciting, however, for most of the guests was the opportunity to meet, talk and exchange ideas like at an analogue event. It was evident from everyone that they really enjoyed meeting each other, almost like at an analogue event.

The new tool „ExVo“ from Allseated offers the possibility to increase the reach of the participants (hybrid / digital) without having to forego the location or the Axica Experience. Events planned in the same way no longer have to be canceled if the circumstances worsen again and customers have a virtual alternative as a backup and thus more planning security.

Axica is a sustainable event location with premium catering directly at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.